lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

The All American Rejects

And the expected, finally happens!

The last year was very hard and pressured for me because I want to study a PhD in Economics; so I start studying for present the almost famous GRE (General Record Examination) . I present the exam five times, the last grade is 700 and 360 in the quantitative and verbal section, respectively (The grade scale is 200-800). This grades are not sufficient to apply to a very competitive process. For example, they are 800 applicants and only 25 available seats, and then they are quotas for Latin American people like me. So we are talking for a low probability to succeed and a very competitive process.

The next step in this terrorific process is to apply to the universities that you want. I decided, to apply basically to the top 13th Universities in USA. But I know that I have a low grade in the quantitative section of the GRE to apply to that kind of schools. The application process should be made very carefull and design a statement of porpouse for each university according to the unique characteristics of each one.

I was very pressured at that time. And make all the applications in 15 days. Maybe, that was another error in this experience. Basically, I applied without hearing advice from experts, family, and friends.

The first bad news arrives in Febraury, it was Minessota. Then another 10 schools one from e-mail, others from postal service. And the last two candles was NYU and Harvard. Finally, This last saturday arrives NYU, and today Harvard, with a really polite letter that I transcribe next:

Dear Mr. Tarso,

After careful review, I regret (I hate this word) to inform you that the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is unable to take favorable action on your application to the Department of Economics. The number of promising applicants well exceeded the number of offers of admission we can make for the 2008-2009 academic year.

I know that this decision comes as a disappointment. Unfortunately, enrollment of new students is limited to a samall fraction of those who are qualifies for admission. I want to assure you that your application received full consideration by faculty members in the program to chich you applied.

We appreciate your interest in the Graduate School and wish you success in your future studies.

"Mengano perez"

Dean for Asmission and Financial Aid.

This is the best rejection that I receive, mainly because the way they write the notice. I think I am very near to reach my dream to study in Harvard. So, after All American Rejects...

I hope to enroll the next year in Harvard (in a Phd that includes politic issues) or why not in Europe. Meanwhile I will continue doing what God says to me, and wait for the right time to leave my country.

1 comentario:

Don Pisador dijo...

tenia rato sin venir por aca! saludos!